Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just heard the FUNNIEST Vegas story...

I just got home from work, where my co-worker told me the funniest story!

About 15 years ago, my c-w%26#39;s mom took my c-w%26#39;s grandmother to Vegas. Now, grandma is this tiny little Southern Belle, well into her Golden Years, from rural Georgia who had led a very sheltered life. She also had never been out of the rural South. She somehow got in an elevator by herself and according to her, these three huge men follow her in and stand behind her.

By this point, she%26#39;s terrified...shaking...clutching her purse. From behind she hears on of the men say ';hit the floor'; (as in push the button), presumably to his friend. Grandma hits the deck, face down. The men start laughing which terrifies Grandma even more. She stays on the elevator floor, not moving a muscle as they go up, floor after floor. Finally, the men get off, laughing thier a--es off.

A few days later, upon check-out, Grandma is informed that her entire stay has already been paid for. Not only that; her benefactor had left a note, stating: ';Thanks, lady, for one of the biggest laughs I have had in a long time!'; - signed, Eddie Murphy.

(They were later thinking that the huge men were his bodyguards)

Just heard the FUNNIEST Vegas story...

LOL!!!!!! that%26#39;s a great story!!!

Just heard the FUNNIEST Vegas story...

That%26#39;s funny! :)

I have heard this story....a long time ago not sure where

Yeah, it is a funny story but I think it falls in the Urban Legend category....

LMAO. You actually believed your co-worker!! This urban myth has been around forever. I first heard about it ten years ago. It%26#39;s supposedbly been around since the %26#39;70s. Check out and search ';eddie murphy'; and you%26#39;ll get the full scoop.

Definitely Urban Legend...I have also heard it before!

Yeah! I totally did! I haven%26#39;t heard it before. Holy crud...that makes it even more hilarious!

LMAO!! I heard that it was Michael Jordan and Eddie Murphy... I think it was on Letterman!! :)

Regardless of where it started is still very funny!!

It makes you wonder what your coworker thinks of you if they lie flat out to you?


Did you speak to your co-worker about this today?

  • good eyeshadow
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