Thursday, April 8, 2010

Victoria Secret Store stocking PINK?

Hi guys!

does anyone know if any of the victoria secret stores in vegas stock their clothing line PINK? its one of my favourite stores in the states and i just wondered if i will be able to grab some bits when im in vegas!!


Victoria Secret Store stocking PINK?

Strip- Palazzo- upper level, not too far from Woo

off-strip-henderson- Galleria mall on Sunset (I think it%26#39;s the largest mall in Vegas)

I am sure there are more, but those 2 I have been to!

Victoria Secret Store stocking PINK?

They had is at the Victoria Secret in the Forum Shops the last time I was there.

';off-strip-henderson- Galleria mall on Sunset (I think it%26#39;s the largest mall in Vegas)';

I think Fashion Show is bigger, Meadows may be as well.

The one at the Forum Shoppes sells PINK.

And the one at the Forum Shoppes is HUGE! Also one at Miracle Mile and I recall seeing Pink there too.

Thanks guys!

I best save up some more spending money then!!


They have a really good supply of Pink stuff in both the Forum Shops and The Fashion Show Mall

Have fun!

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