Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hotel Suggestions


I%26#39;ll be in Las Vegas from October 20-25 celebrating my 30th birthday with a some friends. Most of my group will be staying at MGM (because they got really good deals). I originally intended on staying at the MGM, but I%26#39;d much, much rather stay somewhere on the high-end side. I%26#39;ve been to Vegas once before (solo trip) %26amp; stayed at MGM. While it was lovely, I want to bring in 30 in fabulosity. :) Price doesn%26#39;t matter too much, but I also don%26#39;t want to break the bank. I am considering the Wynn, (if I stay there so much for not breaking the bank), The Signature, and The Bellagio. So my question is which high-end hotel would you chose and why? I had my mind set on The Signature, but got freaked out when I read reviews on here about moth infestations.

Thanks in advance for your help! :)

Hotel Suggestions

IMO Signature is not in the league as Wynn and Bellagio. Bellagio is very nice, I just feel like the style and service at Wynn is a bit better. Many like the Bellagio location better.

Hotel Suggestions

moth infestations??? i stayed at signature in 07 and LOVED it!!! the rooms are immaculate and the balcony just topped it off!!

that being said, I would suggest either a lakehouse penthouse suite @ bellagio or a room at the wynn. You will be closer to your friends if you are at bellagio, but i think the wynn is more luxurious if you are just going for the basic rooms.

LOL that%26#39;s LAKEVIEW not lakehouse. i was trying to type, watch Rescue Me and talk to my husband at the same time. sorry

Thanks guys!! I will check out the LAKEVIEW rooms (lol).

I figured The Signature wasn%26#39;t the same caliber as the other 2, but a step up from the main MGM Grand.

As for the moths, yeah, some of the newer reviews from May 2009 said they experienced moths living in the curtains (YIKES!). A poster said the hotel informed them Vegas gets these moths every three years. This might not be a problem in October, but it freaked me out. Lol.

Decisions, decisions...

Not to freak you out, but the Bellagio and apparently most of LV have had the moth issue as well.

Don%26#39;t count out Signature just because of the moths. Stayed there last year and thought it was great.

If most of your group is staying at MGM, the Wynn may not be the most convienient choice. IMO Belagio has the best location of the three, but with the majority staying at MGM, The Signature is still worth a look. It all depends on what you are looking for and how much time you would be spending together as a group.

Either way any of the three are good choices,

Good Luck %26amp; Enjoy

Ick! That%26#39;s definitely not what I wanted to hear, CW. *sighs* Guess I%26#39;ll have to get over the moth issue. Thanks for your input though. I think you just helped me narrow down my choices to The Signature and The Bellagio. We%26#39;ll see how this goes...


Like CW said, considering part of your crew is at MGM, I%26#39;d choose Bellagio.

A nice suite at Bellagio is a great way to bring in your 30s.

My favorite property in town is the Wynn, but I%26#39;d agree that it would be really inconvenient for you when your group will be at MGM.

I%26#39;m not overly impressed with the regular rooms at Bellagio, but a lake view suit might be worthwhile. Compared to rooms in places like the Wynn, Encore, Signature, Venetian %26amp; Palazzo, they seem small and I miss the extras like TVs in the bathrooms.

My personal choice, if I were in your shoes, would definitely be the Signature. Our room there was fabulous and the amenities are excellent. You%26#39;ll have not only a fridge, but a blender and room enough to have a few people over. We had an orchid in our room there, which I thought was a really classy touch as well. Since the property is connected to MGM, I think it%26#39;s the hands-down winner for this trip.

Don%26#39;t worry about moths. If by some amazing chance check into a room and find moths, I%26#39;m sure they%26#39;ll move you to a different room. We found the service to be excellent and our room was spotless %26amp; completely bug-free last November.

Have fun planning and enjoy your trip in the fall!

Thanks guys!! You guys have been so helpful. I appreciate all the feedback. I might go with Bellagio, but I%26#39;m so indecisive I might end up at the Signature. We%26#39;ll see.


Sorry freelancer, I should have been more clear yesterday. Apparently the moth thing happens every 3 years in the spring and lasts a few weeks. once the temp heats up, it%26#39;s over.

During our stay last August, not a moth (or any insects for that matter that I recall) to be seen at any of the properties.

My point was, not to let this issue affect your choice of hotel :)

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