Saturday, April 3, 2010

Price drop for Treasure Isand....

I just got my price adjusted for the Petite Suite from $129.99 a night to $109.00 per night for 5 nights...that%26#39;s a saving of $112.00!!! SWEET!!!

Price drop for Treasure Isand....

And how exactly did you bag that reduction?

Price drop for Treasure Isand....

I had book the $129.99 about 2 months only and book directly w/ TI...and keep checking every week because I%26#39;ve read on here that some had paid as cheap as $109.00 per night for this particular check today...saw the TI and got it adjusted..just wanted to share..just in case someone else book the same room...

Mice work but that saving came to $100.95 when I was in school..... :-)

NICE work even!

Sorry blagger...guess my math is a little too excited for a minute;s still a good;s NICE OR MICE??? :-))

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