Thursday, April 1, 2010

When was the LAST time you ate at the Circus Circus Buffet?


As some of you know Circus Circus used to be my favorite hotel(along with Slots-A-Fun) from the mid 1980%26#39;s to the early 1990%26#39;s. After Luxor, MGM Grand and Treasure Island opened in 1993/1994 I sort of lost interest in CC.

I think the last time I ate at CC buffet was in 1989 when I ran away from home and went....where else!? Las Vegas. Thank God my parents let me come home after only 1 night on the streets of Vegas. Anyway I remember the line to the CC buffet was always LONG and there was the clown theme with lots of the color red, lots of mirrors, ect. The food back then was similar to what you would get in a Swanson%26#39;s t.v. dinner and back then was considered edible and half way enjoyable, times have changed.

You don%26#39;t have too say much if you don%26#39;t want to but I would like to hear the approximate year in which you ate their last and a few words about how you thought it was. CC opened in 1973 so I am sure there are some interesting memories people might have out there about the buffet over the years. :o)


When was the LAST time you ate at the Circus Circus Buffet?

Had the breakfast buffet there back in 1991.

It was about on par with the buffet Cousin Eddie goes to in Vegas Vacation...unrecognizable globs of goo!

I remember spending the rest of the day in my room praying to the porcelin god.

When was the LAST time you ate at the Circus Circus Buffet?

I will admit to eating at CC%26#39;s breakfast buffet in 2002. It was 5.95. To be honest, it wasn%26#39;t food poisoning inducing or anything. We lived through it. Would I go back? No...but it wasn%26#39;t the end of the world either....

cc was open in 68 or 69,

there was topless 25 cent peep show,tom jones nude adult show, the girl that changed to gorilla,

I don%26#39;t think I ever ate at their buffet. If I did- I blocked it from my memory! I guess this gives me something to look forward to after all these years. lol

In the movie Bob %26amp; Carol %26amp; Ted %26amp; Alice, the end scene was at LV Circus Circus and that movie was made in 1969 so Circus Circus is at least 40 years old!

It was in the early 90%26#39;s, the breakfast was ummm.... gross. how do eggs get gritty texture??? everything looked like it was pre-packaged and just reheated. Sitting under the heating lamps, I think was the extent of the ';cooking';. The milk was ok though....

2004 we met an aunt and uncle who had been staying in their RV park. It was like a bad high school caf experience. Very generic and lots of it.

I so regretted that meal but that was were our blue haired loved ones wanted to dine. The things I do for love. LOL

Yes CC opened in 1968, I got it confused with the old MGM Grand opening date which was 1973.

Thanks to those of you who have responded so far.

The casino opened Oct. 18, 1968. The hotel did not open until 1972.

Eating GARBAGE is not good for you. As such I have never and would never eat there. CC is a DUMP IMO.

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