Saturday, April 3, 2010

Southwest question

I know this doesn%26#39;t specifically involve Las Vegas, but it involves a fare from SW I bought out of the LAS airport.

I bought my ticket on Monday, and noticed via my online banking that the charge went through as normal. Today I check my online bank statement again, and the Southwest charge is no longer there, my account balance is missing that charge. My flight confirmation number does still pull up my reservation through their system. Has anyone had this happen? I am going to check it again tomorrow and call if I still don%26#39;t see it, but I figured if anyone had some experience with this I would like to know. I didn%26#39;t think that was normal practice, but maybe they run their charges through strangely. Thanks.

Southwest question

Hmm, when I book through them it%26#39;s deducted from my account instantly. If it%26#39;s not on their tomorrow, I%26#39;d call SWA and your bank, just to be safe.

Southwest question

I would call your bank before Southwest. It sounds like the credit/debit card hold expired. That doesn%26#39;t mean that the charge was cancelled or won%26#39;t go through.

Not sure if this info helps but I%26#39;m on Southwest usually twice a week with work.

Sometimes after booking flights, which I do a months worth ahead of time, the charge sometimes doesn%26#39;t show up in my bank account for a few days. Sometimes it%26#39;s instant. I have had them not show up for 4-5 days over a weekend.

I always book with my debit/bank card, that might be the reason. I have never had a problem with the flight/confirmation though once I have processed it on the SWA Site. The authorization is there but jsut takes a few days for them to process maybe.

Hope this helps, have a great trip.

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