Thursday, April 8, 2010

Casino Host

I have had the same casino host at Treasure Island for nine years and play the tables enough to get my room comped, she is leaving the business and has given me a recommendation for a new host at TI, but since the change in ownership I am considering a change to NYNY or Monte Carlo. I am looking for a name or recommendation for a host at one of these casinos.

Casino Host

I was under the understanding a host sought you out rather than the alternative, so its hard to recommend a host w/o knowing your gaming history (maybe you%26#39;d be an asset to my credetials) =) I cannot recommend a host based on the properties you listed, sry. =( I do however recommend HET hosts, in general, the greatest Ive seen by far! =)

Casino Host

';I was under the understanding a host sought you out ...'; wrong understanding

caddy08 - ask your host. They will know hosts at those properties, just as they did at TI.

Why switch?

Or pick up the phone and call the hosts at those properties. A name here doesn%26#39;t get you any more than no name here - your play history will drive what a host can do - they have very little discretionary comps available to most players. If you gambled enough to be in that category it%26#39;s doubtful you would be asking the name of a host here.

Talk to your current host.

How low a roller can you be and not have a host laugh at you for contacting them :-) I haven%26#39;t had anyone seek me out to give me things or try to pull in my business (but that sounds kinda nice)

I want my own host!

It is not true that a host always seeks you out.

If you wonder if you qualify, go into the host%26#39;s office and have them look up your play. They%26#39;d be happy to talk to you. They%26#39;ll explain to you how much they calculate - sometimes they can only take a meal off of your bill, but to me it%26#39;s worth the visit.

For them to seek you out on your current visit, they%26#39;d have to be aware of your play, know where you are (they can look that up by your player%26#39;s card) if you%26#39;re at a machine. Table players are different. The pit boss can recommend you visit a host, or perhaps have a host come seek you.

I have several friends you have hosts and none of them have had a host come up to them.

To the original poster, your current host can usually recommend someone even at a sister property. Many times they%26#39;re familiar with each other.

Ditto what Loveland wrote- may I add that it is better to go to the casino host area and NOT the MVP player%26#39;s desk- there is a difference. Make contact with a host and continue to see them. I have also had the same host at the MC even though he is now ';behind the scenes'; in casino marketing and not on the floor, I just call him before a trip and he takes excellent care of us.


Thanks for the reply lovinvegas. That%26#39;s what I have at TI now, a casino marketing excutive. She sets up our reservations and Invited guest checkin by phone before we get there.. She is leaving and set me up with someone else at TI, but said we might like to try Monte Carlo if we want to stay with MGM Mirage since TI has been sold. I have enough table play for comped rooms at TI and am looking for someone that would fit our needs at MC. I%26#39;m not a high roller but I play about four hours a day at the tables and some slot play, My wife also has some table and slot play. Appreciate your reply. Thanks

Hey Caddy08,

I don%26#39;t know about casino hosts...

But I LIKE your name!!!


Doesn%26#39;t sound like your any roller at all. I have always had host seek me out when I gamble. They don%26#39;t give away room comps at TI for standing around watching. Besides there are plenty of people out there with recommendations on different hotels, since I have been with the same hotel for nine years and have lost touch with some of the other ones.

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