Thursday, April 8, 2010

Club entry for guys

We%26#39;ll be heading to vegas for a bachelor getaway before one of us gets married.

What clubs (in what hotels) would actually allow us in without women. Any passes that might help?

We%26#39;d be looking to have a good time and meet other single women (most of us anyway)

Club entry for guys

Try Krave!!!! LOL ;)

Club entry for guys

Full - that is funny but wrong.

Can someone enlighten me?

whats up with Krave?

and what clubs would do us well?

How many guys?

I%26#39;m guessing Krave isn%26#39;t what you%26#39;re looking for.

Krave is a mostly gay club.

Any club will work for you because bachelor parties and guys ARE what makes money for the clubs. Guys will spend to go meet women. Get bottle service at a club you would like so you can get a table and not worry about it. Or get to the clubs early to avoid the lines.

From what I understand, Bachelor parties are exactly what the clubs DON%26#39;T want -- big groups of guys don%26#39;t bring other people into the clubs like big groups of girls do. That%26#39;s why I was asking how big the group was -- you%26#39;ll probably want to strongly consider bottle service, and that%26#39;s also a great way to get other women to come to you.

3-4 guys.

what would be the best club where bottle service can be avoided?

If you want to avoid bottle service and get in easier, split up. Either go in individually, or as a group of 2. Find a couple girls who are on their own, or who have more girls than guys, and meet up with them. Offer to buy them a drink if they%26#39;ll let you walk in with their group.

So assuming we line up alone, what clubs are likely to let us in without too much hazzle

Jeevan you will more than likely need to get bottle service. For four guys it is not much if any more expensive than paying cover and drinks. You also do not have to wait in line which is not a great thing to do for a bachelor party.

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