Saturday, April 3, 2010

Danny Gans passed away.

Just heard on the news that Danny Gans passed away in his sleep at the age of 52.

Danny Gans passed away.

Yes, it%26#39;s very sad. Do a quick search and you will find multiple pasts with news and video links. I watched one yesterday on the lvrj.

It painted a pictue of a devoted family man, spiritual, and living a very healthy lifestyle.

The article stated that it felt it his duty to keep himself in ';show shape'; so as to give his fans his best every preformance.

Seemed as if he was a very nice man.

Danny Gans passed away.

Danny Ganz was a great entertainer and, from what I know an even greater person. I had been wanting to see his show for years and finally did last October. I am so glad I did. Rest in Peace Danny.

News must travel slow to Utah, since he died a couple of days ago.

RIP to my friend and unknown Impressionist Mentor.

Larry is that you?

Did they ever come out and say what the cause of death was? DH and I were wondering if it was a heart attack or stroke-


Just found this ACS...

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