Thursday, April 1, 2010

Question about paying for an upgrade

My husband and I will be staying at the Bellagio from July 3-9. We%26#39;ve got 3 nights comped and are paying for the other 3 (got a good rate). My husband is planning on asking if an upgrade to a lakeview room is possible when we check in. While it would be nice to be upgraded for free, we%26#39;re not expecting that to happen. My question is this: How much extra per night do you think they%26#39;d ask for, and would the added cost per night include the 3 comped nights or just the nights we%26#39;re paying for?



Question about paying for an upgrade

Only the hotel can tell you for sure.


You have a comped room. Anything larger or lakeview will probably cost more for all 6 nights.

Know what the cost is up front (Difference from your room to the lakview on the website), and determine if the price they offer you is something you will be comfortable paying for.

Question about paying for an upgrade

Ask Bellagio. My guess is $50 X 6.

Wow, Lowrance, you%26#39;re fast! (G) Thanks for your input. My husband is handling the booking stuff this trip since it%26#39;s supposed to be my birthday present, but I%26#39;ll pass along the info.




$50 a night was sort of what I was thinking. For the luxury of a lakeview room, that might be worth it. $100 a night, maybe not so much.

Thanks for your input.



I think it%26#39;ll be harder for them to comp you an upgrade since you%26#39;re staying so long but IME, they%26#39;re pretty nice about it. I had a comped lakeview for 2 nights and then booked 2 more nights in a regular suite. They just let me stay in my lakeview room the last 2 nights to avoid the hassle of moving haha.

In my (limited) experience, they might pull the ';we have to charge for all the nights if we upgrade'; card. Now granted, my experience is for upgrading from 4 of 8 comped nights in a Wynn Resort Room to 8 nights in a Tower Suite. So there may be some wiggle room.

But remember, the purpose of the comp is to get you there. When you%26#39;re at the desk, checking in, the comp has already provided all the benefit the hotel will get. After that, they want $$$$$!!!

Me and the wife are actually going to be at the Bellagio July 4-8 and got the same 3 night comp you did. When I called to book I asked about that upgrade to a lakeview room they said it would be an extra $50 a in my eyes thats not a bad deal considering we%26#39;re already getting the room for free.

If the hotel is not at capacity you can always offer the sandwich politely and discreetly. When there is space the clerks are given some discretion to upgrade so the $20. tip may just work. Of course just hope you get the right clerk. If not then just pay for it.

kolorofmoney: so my guess was right? imagine that.

Thanks everyone. As I said, I%26#39;m not expecting a freebie upgrade (would be nice, but not expected at all), but was curious about how much an upgrade might cost. I suggested to my husband that he call and ask, then depending on what they say, just pay for the upgrade, but he seems to think we%26#39;d have a better chance of getting it once we%26#39;re there. (Don%26#39;t ask. I don%26#39;t understand his logic on this one either.%26lt;g%26gt;)



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