Thursday, April 1, 2010

Calling all Las Vegas Brides

This is a place where las vegas brides can share ideas on las vegas weddings and get ideas from each other

Calling all Las Vegas Brides

hey everyone I created the other post and I am sorry if it casued so much offence, that was not my intention, just thought it would be easier than constantly asking ';silly'; wedding questions.

As for my countdown the days I am excited thats all, so once again did not mean any offence, sorry

Calling all Las Vegas Brides

Just ignore the misogs Linds - they know what the threads are to avoid if they wish - maybe thay have had bad experiences ;) (or have ages until their next trip!!) Some people are the same when noobs post a question or make a comment that has already been done to death - why read it then?!!!

As for the countdown the days post - I have seen a lot of people coming and going on that one - far more than are moaning about it.

Suzy x

Hi Linds,

Remember to check out the destination wedding forums on our site:… as I believe there are already a couple of Las Vegas brides over there as well! :)

thanks I will have a look x

When I think of this Forum I think of TV If you don%26#39;t like what you see TURN IT OFF!!!! Las Vegas Is my ';Happy Place'; %26amp; I am more than happy to anwser people%26#39;s questions if I can there is no need to be nasty or mean but I guess that is the way that some people are no matter what the topic of discussion is!

I can%26#39;t believe that somebody had my post on this thread deleted! All I did was post a link to forum and suggest that those interested in weddings could post there without fear of upsetting anybody on here.

Next time I%26#39;ll avoid trying to be helpful. Words fail me.........

I cannot get on to the other forum destination weddings not sure if the link is correct

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