Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ten Nights - Eleven Days A Survivor's Tale - Part Two

The Saga Continues:

I left part one with Debbie resting on the chase and I enjoying a few Fat Tires - Here we go %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

I probably drank three, awoke Debbie to get her into bed, and I followed.

I am a world class insomniac - I went to sleep after mid-night and awoke at about three. Debbie sleeping well, I grabbed my camera from the night stand, PT hooptie keys, and decided that I would go out and get some pic%26#39;s of the neon.

Debbie sleeping soundly, I left her a note explaining what I was doing. The note was not necessary, for I do this all the time irregardless of where we go, but it is something I do ;)

I get the PT Hooptie, and head south as we have not visited the redone ';Las Vegas Sign';, I take several pic%26#39;s, front and back - move onto the ';Little Church of the West'; for pic%26#39;s, then onto the crossroads of Trop and LVB.

I quickly found a parking space in the garage - parked and hoofed it to the front of the Trop. for pic%26#39;s, then across the walkway to the EX., then to NYNY, MGM was next and back to the Trop.

Two hours of pic taking and I%26#39;m a happy camper ;)

I return to the room to find Debbie making coffee and having not found my note, concerned. I, with a smile asked her if she could guess what I was up to, and she looked at me, wearing the shorts I sleep in, a t-shirt, shoes with no socks, and hair a mess, smiled and said ';You went out taking Pictures Didn%26#39;t You?';. I happily brought her into my arms - a sweet kiss exchanged and told her ';Yes Baby, and I hope you enjoy them';.

She hugged me and exclaimed, ';If you took them, I know I will Love Them';.

I have shared some, but not even a 10th of what pic%26#39;s I have taken, but we will deal with that soon ;)

I%26#39;ll get on to Saturday soon enough. A Great Day for Sure ;)

Ten Nights - Eleven Days A Survivor's Tale - Part Two

As long as you share the pics everyone will be okay with this. Was there any people out at that time and I can imagine what may have shot if there was those about. Care to share?

Ten Nights - Eleven Days A Survivor's Tale - Part Two

Really enjoying your TR. I was wondering if you feel Desert Rose was walkable to the strip? We have been considering staying there next year. It gets such good reviews. Would you ever stay there again? Thanks a Heap. Tami

Really enjoying your TR, DPD! Continue, please!

First off I am a regular, and I am enjoying your TR, but I have this continuing problem with it...which is you seem to both drink at the casinos, which is great, dont care but are driving at the same time. It is a continuing theme throughout your TR.

I am sorry, but I just cant, and I know I cant be the only one to condone this without saying something, maybe Im missing something... but I just had to say my two cents

Time to answer a few questions from you all -

2b, I am in the process of cropping and enhancing many of the over 1000 pics taken. I will not bore you all with the entire collection, so it will take some time to Cull the number down to say the top 100 or so.

As for whether there were many people out and about - Not really. I did run into three young fellows who were quit well pickled. The were trying to assist each other navigate the escalator down to the intersection at NYNY headed towards the EX.

ATrudy40, We did have a problem with the Desert Rose, and I will explain this as we close this, Part Two. What I will refer to as ';The Incident'; occurred on Monday. I will tell you all that at this Time, The Desert Rose is working with us to find an agreeable settlement.

VP03, Thanks for the Kind Words ;)

MusTask, I assure you, that at no time I drove our PT Hooptie, was I drunk. We have a saying here in Georgia, that ';Buzzed Driving - Is Drunk Driving!'; and I guess I was walking a thin line. I am a regular beer drinker and ten beers would barely affect me. Never a drunk, and being a large man, my tolerance in very high. Also, if you read what is said, there is generally a period prior to leaving a casino to drive that I abstain from drink and enjoy a few cups of coffee or several bottles of water.

But I applaud your question and concern. Thank You :)

';I am a regular beer drinker and ten beers would barely affect me.';

Are you serious, PP? I hope not.

Having lost two friends and almost two family members to someone who thought they could drink and drive....I must agree with Mustask%26#39;s comments.

Even if you could drink ten beers and barely be affected, you%26#39;re still promoting drinking and driving and that%26#39;s wrong!

From what I%26#39;ve heard, I think this might have the makings for a %26#39;Harlequin Romance%26#39; novel.

BhamBound, I agree with you and would never promote ';Drinking and Driving';! Again, there is always time prior to getting behind the wheel were either coffee or water is drank.

Having served as a Deputy Sheriff for over a year, I have seen more carnage as a result of decisions had.

Also, in my Military days, I was Senior Corpsmen at MCRD and NavHostBFT. Trust me, I know what happens and would never chance that with Debbie in the car with me, that and I love me way to much to risk myself as well.

I Must Thank You for this reply, and hopefully, my statements have cleared this up ;)

Boy Are You All Lucky - I Just Found that%26#39;s today%26#39;s work will be starting late, so lets get some more done for your enjoyment ;)

We sat out on our balcony, enjoying coffee, a few smokes and Debbie feeding the Pigeons which now numbered nearly a dozen.

I quickly showered. dressed and ran over to MGM Grand to get my Paq. vs Hatton $5.00 Chips. It being nearly 7:00am, this place was packed, surely with many whom would be watching the fight later that evening. I walk the edge of the casino, figuring I would quickly find the ';Master'; Cage, but I had forgotten just how massive this place is. I stopped by the Lion enclosure, but the kitties were yet to be delivered and put on display, so with pace quickened, off I go. I finally find the cage, no line, thankfully, put a twenty on the counter and ask for four $5.00 chips. The cage attendant replied that she didn%26#39;t have any as of yet, but I could probably find what I was wanting if I went to the tables. Dooh!!!!! I had walked past them 15 minutes prior and about what seemed ten miles ago.

Back to the hunt, I finally find the BJ tables, chose a table with no players and proceed to place my twenty on the felt and make my request. A Quick note for my fellow Chip Hounds: For some reason, almost every time I requested chips at the tables, the dealer felt it needed to request permission from the Pit Boss. My request was never denied, but I did find it odd. Any way, the dealer gets the Pit Boss, she approves my request, and finally, happy, I have four brand new $5.00 Paq. vs Hatton chips to add to my collection. Back to the edges of the casino, find the parking deck, then the PT Hooptie and back to the Desert Rose to pick up Debbie for breakfast.

With Debbie in tow, we head back over to Terribles, yes with a 2 for 1. Sat. and Sun. are Champagne Brunch so the price is something like $9.99 per person, with the 2 for 1, we both enjoyed our breakfast with a few glasses of Champagne (Truth is, that they serve a California Sparkling wine which was nice). Tip left, so did we to head downstairs for some play.

The Wizard of Oz I had been playing the past mornings was out of service, but the one Debbie had been playing was working, she sat down, inserted her players card and a twenty and away she went ;) I roamed around, looking for a machine to play and settled on a Da Vinci%26#39;s Diamonds which was close to Debbie. I too, inserted my players card and a twenty. I could hear that Debbie had gotten into the bonus, so I started my play. After about ten or twelve spins, my machines locks up. I start looking to see what the problem was only to discover that I had accidentally hit ';Max Bet'; and was starring at Five Da Vinci Diamond symbols. Max bet was I think $3.00. It paid $250. and would not let me continue my play until it finish totaling the credits won.

Instead of being smart and cashing out or at least reducing my bet back to one credit per line, as you might guess, played on and returned my win to the machine to include my starting twenty. I pulled my players card, went to find Debbie who had left her Wizard of OZ, to find her in line at the cage, waiting to cash in a twenty dollar voucher. I later found out that she dropped forty at Terribles, but for about two hours of play, great drink service, and a few bonuses, we had fun.

We had forgotten to grab one of our laptops from home to bring with us, and knowing the Desert Rose offers free Wi-Fi, Debbie asked if we could go over to Frye%26#39;s and maybe buy one off those micro lap tops.

For those who decide to ride over to Frye%26#39;s, it is easier to get to if you enter at the Town Center Shopping area and drive through there then trying to find Frye%26#39;s actual entry.

We park the PT Hooptie, head all the way to the back of the store and begin comparing options between the mini%26#39;s. These things are tiny and would easily fit in an average ladies pocket book.

After checking things out, and Debbie playing with the four models available, I decide to look at the lap tops. As many may already know, these mini%26#39;s have no CD/DVD Drive, come with three USB ports and not much more at about $300 on the bottom end. Debbie and I talk about the pros%26#39; and cons, and we decide on purchasing a Gateway Laptop which has all the bells and whistles, and just about twice the size of a mini for $349.00. We pick a computer bag, wireless mouse, so on and so forth. After all is said and done, we pay a total of less then $500 to include the three year extended warranty.

Back to the Desert Rose to play with the new toy, and that we did. I uploaded the pic%26#39;s taken to date and post a ';Hello'; on the Mega Thread, then off to find the ';M';.

I guess I may be boring many with the depth of this TR, but I hope in the details, some info is helpful to at least one whom reads this ;)

I%26#39;m still following along Perfect Plants! Looking forward to the rest.

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