Saturday, March 27, 2010

best show w/ my 12 yr. old

Wandering what might be the best show if money wasn%26#39;t the issue. What show is the best out of the cirque du solei shows? How about maybe a majic show or blue man group. Thanx for any feedback...

again: my child will be w/ me

best show w/ my 12 yr. old



it doesn%26#39;t matter if the 12 yo will be with you - I don%26#39;t think they belong at any evening show in LV. Just my opinion, which you asked for. I%26#39;m sure others will have ideas. You asked abour Cirque, blue man and magic - do you want all of them or just 1?

best show w/ my 12 yr. old

I believe that Mystere would be the best Cirque show for your child- it is suitable and enjoyable for all ages. Excalibur has ';Tournament of Kings';- both a show and a dinner that is popular with children (and some adults on this forum). Blue Man Group is one show that you are either going to love or hate( I am with the hate group). But it is suitable for children that age (who love loud noises!).

I would stick with Mystere.

If your 12 year old doesn%26#39;t get freaked out by blood I would suggest Penn and Teller. It is a fun show and they meet the audience and pose for pictures after the show. The CDS show that I saw was Love. I thought it was great, but unless your child likes beatles music I am not sure they would enjoy it, but there is lots of activity to watch.

Hope this helps!

Lion King, Lance Burton magic show, and Mystere(cirque show) might be nice.

Lion King, Lion King, Lion King.....

Criss Angel. I was just talking to a 12 year old last week and she gave Criss a ';freakin%26#39; awesome'; review.

Second vote Tournament of Kings. Has Horses. Who doesn%26#39;t love horses. The magic show at Tropicana, don%26#39;t remember it%26#39;s name, was good.

My 12 year-old son loved KA. Lots of action. We had a great time!

My 11 yr liked Tournemant of kings, Mac King, Lion King.

What is it about Chris Angel and 12 yr olds?

my DD was begging to see him since another kid at school told her he was awesome.

Could 2 kids be right and 20 other Adults be wrong about his show?

Told DD no way we are going to see him, over my dead body, but I didnt like the look that came to her eyes. LOL

My 12yr old as well as his mom loved Lance Burton.

  • good eyeshadow
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