Saturday, March 27, 2010

Going To Vegas Alone

OK, My hubby surprised me with a trip to Vegas and it%26#39;s to go all by myself! I%26#39;m a bit nervous about doing just about EVERYTHING on my own...I know, sad! Should I buck it up, or is there a place anyone recommends to connect with others to meet up there....innocently of course! I%26#39;m going June 11 for the full weekend. Any suggestions would be great!

Going To Vegas Alone

No need to worry about a thing. I%26#39;ve made numerous solo trips to Vegas and invariably had a blast. Next weekend I%26#39;ll be at a wedding in LV with my wife. She%26#39;s heading home after a couple of nights leaving me to have another three nights. She gets a rest from me and knows I%26#39;ll be having fun!

I can%26#39;t really suggest one place to hang out. There%26#39;s literally hundreds of options where you can meet people and have a good time and you really won%26#39;t have too much trouble finding them. One thing you may want to do is look through this forum to see if any M%26amp;Gs (meet %26amp; greets) are taking place or post your dates and ask. These are where forum members in Vegas at the same time get together.

Going To Vegas Alone

I too travel to Vegas alone frequently! Do whatever you like, go wherever you want! This includes dining too! It%26#39;s a great city for the solo traveler, and there is literally nothing you should feel hesitant about doing alone. I have seen shows, and dined in top tier restaurants by myself and found it to be a thoroughly indulgent and enjoyable experience.

Have a blast!

im lookin forward to my first trip solo..have fun!

check (search for?)

';TR - Palazzo 5/5-11, a M%26amp;G and the Venetian scent REVEALED!';

within this forum. she just returned from a solo trip.

shoot her a line - read what she had to say...

enjoy! will be there the week after your week end (with son -21st bday trip)

LAS is indeed a good place for a solo traveller. Been there once a few years back with a group of firefighters but we all went our own way in Vegas and it was even fun for a solotraveller. Went to the Céline Dion show, went to a Cirque du Soleil show, ate in different restaurant all by myself and you can be sure that there are plenty of other solotravellers arround ;)

Within 3 weeks I%26#39;ll heading back to Vegas for a short trip also on my own. 90% of my travels I do on my own and I like it very much. Don%26#39;t care if it%26#39;s London, Paris, Brussels, Montréal, New York or Vegas... Plenty to do if you are alone ;)

Don%26#39;t worry, you will have a nice time ;)

I%26#39;ve gone to LV solo and with friends. Solo can be more fun because you can do whatever you want on a whim - no checking with the other person to see what they want to do. And you can change your mind without anyone complaining.

If you feel uncomfortable eating alone, you can just sit at the bar at most restaurants. Some people have said that they feel solo diners don%26#39;t get a lot of attention from the waitstaff, but I find the opposite to be true.

You will have no problem walking around alone, just keep an eye out like you would anywhere else you go.

Have a great trip!

I have gone to Vegas alone a bunch of times and had a great time. I live in New Hampshire so driving to Vegas isn%26#39;t an option and my girlfriend WILL NOT FLY ever again. What ever phobia that%26#39;s called, that%26#39;s what she has. We%26#39;ve flown to Vegas before, but she won%26#39;t do it anymore. So if I can%26#39;t get any friends to go, I have no problem going solo. I have never once felt out of place and as another poster said, there are just too many things to do to mention. Go and have a great time!

Buck it up. When are you going? Where are you staying? I%26#39;m sure people from this forum will be there and maybe you%26#39;ll meet a new friend.

You%26#39;ll have a great time, don%26#39;t worry! I%26#39;ve done it by myself and with various sized groups and while the tone of the trips are different, they%26#39;ve all been great.

It is a wonderfully accommodating city for the single traveler; you%26#39;re not out of place anywhere as a single; shows, restaurants, pool, casino, etc.

Not looking to stir up trouble, but why is your husband looking to get rid of you for that weekend? (J/K) ;-)

I%26#39;m a single woman, and I did a week solo there in March. Honestly, I liked it better than some other trips I%26#39;ve gone with people. I HIGHLY recommend doing a M%26amp;G as the earlier poster suggested - I did, and we wound up getting together a few times over the course of the trip, which was good for company.

Eat at the bar if you feel uncomforatble at a table alone, as the earlier poster suggested - you%26#39;ll meet lots of people. The pool is easy to do alone (really, you read or sleep anyway) and gambling is too. You%26#39;ll have a good time.

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