Saturday, March 27, 2010

conceige at palazzo worth doing

just wondering whether its worth the extra cost. Family of four. was also looking into conceige at venetian. which has better variety of food/views/etc.

are the rooms located on the higher levels guaranteed. any inform re the lounge appreciated thankyou.

Also family vacation so looking to do a show. Where can I find list of show during July and any suggestions to cater for family with a 16year old boy and 20year old daughter??

conceige at palazzo worth doing

go to palazzo hotel reviews on here and look at the photos. there are pics of the concierge lounge. my husband says its EXACTLY the same as the venetian. even on the same floors (23-28).

that being said, i read a review from a woman on here that stated she was not happy paying for the concierge level because somehow, non-guests of the concierge level and even non-guests of the palazzo were making their way to the lounge and indulging in free drinks and free food so it was very busy and loud.

we thought about changing our resv from bellagio salon to palazzo concierge but that sort of scared me away. what%26#39;s the point of paying all that extra money if anyone can go up there? maybe it was a fluke. who knows.

it looks nice from the photos though.

conceige at palazzo worth doing

When we travel we always stay on the Conceige floor if possible. We feel the drinks and food are worth the money. We had a very nice experience at Palazzo and would say it is worth it.

We stayed on one of the concierge levels at Palazzo last time we were there, along with my sister and her husband. I%26#39;ve heard it is pretty much the same as the one at Venetian, so I%26#39;ll weigh in, for what it%26#39;s worth. None of us thought it was worth the $100 upgrade. The breakfast presentation was typical continental fare, with no variation from day to day. (Kind of got tired of it by the 4th morning!) The afternoon presentation was only desserts and nuts. The evening appetizers were delicious as were the evening desserts, but still, just didn%26#39;t seem worth it...even with the free drinks. We would drop by occasionally just to pick up some bottled water. There were none left out so we%26#39;d have to wait for bar staff to come out to give us some. On the plus side: the evening wait staff could not have been nicer or friendlier, the host was able to print out our boarding passes for our return flight, there is a private elevator that takes you from any of the concierge floors straight to the concierge lounge. Now that there is a Walgreens near Venetian, I think we%26#39;ll stay on a regular floor and just go buy some bottled waters and snacks there. That said, many people on this board LOVED the concierge lounge. As to higher levels, I don%26#39;t think they will guarantee a floor.

Re shows, try this website:

Feel free to email me directly if you have any more questions. Have a great trip!

I would probably only do it if I had 4 people who all drank heavily from 5-9pm and don%26#39;t gamble so can%26#39;t get free drinks that way.

they have checked the cards a lot closer my last few visits. I only use it if its a free upgrade or included on a marketing offer. Think about how much you can get for $100, and get exactly what you want.

We always stay on the concierge level at the Palazzo. For us, it seems to be worth it, especially in the evenings with the hot appetizers, etc. I don%26#39;t eat that much, so many times it%26#39;s plenty of food for me and I won%26#39;t even need dinner--but that%26#39;s personal preference--my husband ALWAYS finds room for dinner. I agree with other posters that if you don%26#39;t drink very much, though, you may not find it%26#39;s worth the extra price.

We also find the staff incredibly nice and helpful, and willing to bring out extra drinks/snacks/whatever, if you don%26#39;t see what you need.

The Concierge room at the Palazzo is much larger and nicer than the one in the Venezia tower. I loved it, thought it was def. worth the money -- but my husband and I made full use of the cocktail bar!

The rooms on the concierge floors at Palazzo are the same square footage as the ';regular'; rooms. And yes, according to the respective websites, they are bigger than the rooms at Venetian. I haven%26#39;t stayed at Venetian for a long time but I LOVE the rooms at Palazzo, especially the bathroom. The only bathroom I%26#39;ve seen on the strip that has a separate sit down vanity. I like the safe too...large enough to put your laptop in...AND you can charge it while you store it! Seems like there was a lot of attention to detail when they designed the rooms. Also, I agree with everyone%26#39;s point that you might get your money%26#39;s worth out of the concierge lounge if you drink enough...but otherwise probably not! ;-)

anyone know if you can get access for 4 people on one room? thinking it might be worth the upgrade if we end up with 4 of us on the next trip....$25 a day per person isn%26#39;t bad if you can get breakfast and 5 drinks out of it.

';my husband says its EXACTLY the same as the venetian. even on the same floors (23-28). '; The 2 lounges are nothing alike, much less exactly. not sure to which lounges this husband is referring.

';worth'; is subjective. I feel it is - we like a place to meet our friends, grab a quick bite or drink, use the computer if needed, have concierge services available, continental breakfast is more than enough, late day snacks and drinks, pick up iced water bottles to carry if we feel a need - it%26#39;s just a nice place. if some in your family are ready before others they can head to the lounge, relax, have a snack and wait for the others.

we prefer the lounge at P, it is larger, has some small rooms which we can use when have as many as 16 in our group. both are nice.

interesting some say they judge value or worth by how much alcohol or snacks they consume.

Not me - the value lies in service, convenience, amenities, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks alike. So you see, value is subjective - as it should be. where%26#39;s your ';value';? For 425 a day will your family receive fair value? Will continental breakfast daily and bottled water alone be worth it to you?

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