Saturday, March 27, 2010

Guest List at Lavo

OK, I emailed Lavo to get on their ';guest list'; (for the club portion). They replied and told me that I%26#39;m on it, they gave me info on the cover charge, and told me to be there by midnight. OK then...

Then I started to wonder, what the heck is the ';guest list'; even getting me? No break on cover and probably no break on lines.

We are having dinner there too though. Hmmmm...

Does anyone know what this ';Guest List'; does? Or is it basically ';good for nothing';?


Guest List at Lavo

you should try this service, it%26#39;s all free, not sure how they make money, but hey their loss is my gain!鈥?/a>

Guest List at Lavo

Hey thanks a bunch. I m going to try it out for the ghostbar and see if it works!

I also saw some passes that were for sale. You can get the LAVO pass inside the Palazzo gift store for free. They comp passes used to promote the club.

really? you can get it for free at the gift shop? I%26#39;m going to lavo this sat, do you think they will still have those at gift shop?

I also found this,

it seems like I can get on her guest list for Lavo, still waiting for her confirmation though........

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