Saturday, March 27, 2010

First Timer Trip Report and Observations

Not a great writer but wanted to contribute something as a thanks for all the help in planning our first Las Vegas trip. We flew with West jet out of Toronto landed around 10:40 Pm. I always like to fly West Jet fairly roomy and fun service. Our landing approach was from North to South and were sitting on right side of plane. Wow what a show all the lights of the strip were amazing to see.Definately enough to wake you up after 4:45 hours of flying. We landed got our bags and was off to rental car facility really fast. We reserved with Alamo Using Contract I.D. 7012298 quoted rate was $122.09 for the week. Kiosks were not working so we had to line up to go to the counters. Great I thought now I will be asked about the code. Not a word, signed the contract and went up to the garage real fast with no looking back. There were no Economy cars left so they told us to take a mini van. ';I think I got a good deal!'; The funny thing with the mini van was when we seen it the next day in the sunlight there were scratches and some dents on both doors, so our first stop was back to the car rental place. Was worried we would have a problem. No problem lady at the desk was very helpful, she entered the scratches and dents in her computer, so that it would not become our problem. Oh Yea she took $15 off for all our troubles..(cool) We arrived at the Signature just before 12 am and were tired and hungry. No problems checking in and we were reminded of the $20 dollar per day resort fee. Our room was a one bedroom suite on the 37th floor, the view from the balcony and bedroom was crazy. The room itself was amazing considering how much we paid for it. I knew with our room and the car rental our vacation was off to a great start. Around 1am we went to find something to eat. I got a chance to see if it was really as far to MGM as some people have made it out to be. Give me a break. Not far at all and if you walked on the moving belts it took about 5 minutes. we later we actually timed it to the casino entrance and that was 13 minutes. We found a little food court with a McDonalds and got something to eat. At the counter there was a tip jar and the cashier was selling beverages for $1, not ringing them in and putting the dollar in his tip jar. We had a good laugh about this. I held two dollers over the tip jar and said ';Big Mac'; guess what I got a $2 Big Mac. Never did see him again. Bet he made alot of money that night. After eating we went back to our room to get some sleep. The resort fee and walk to MGM this amazes me that people can post a trip review but cannot research the hotel they want to stay in. How can this be a surprise ? It%26#39;s mentioned everywhere . If they did their research and choose this hotel then complaining seems kinda silly. Just like that poster who ragged on the Monte Carlo, but failed to inform management of the problems. Will post more of our trip tomorrow if anyone is interested.

First Timer Trip Report and Observations

I am enjoying your report, but could we have some paragraphs please? It really makes it a lot easier to read.

First Timer Trip Report and Observations

Enjoying your trip report, keep going!!

Yeah paragraphs are your friend.

Hey linnytoons, great TR so far, we are staying at the Signature in September so can%26#39;t wait to hear a bit more about the hotel and location.

Keep it coming. Anxiously awaiting more.

Loved the McDonalds incident but eventually he%26#39;ll get caught.

Thanks for the review so far and I look forward to more. We are staying there beginning June 1. Julie

Loving your report!!! It%26#39;s always fun to see the perceptions of a first time visitor. But I will third the request for paragraphs. My old eyes can%26#39;t read it when it is all jammed together!

Good job on the start of your trip report, glad to hear you had no problems using the Alamo code(we are using it on a car next month), looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip...

Of course more more... but yes please paragraphs.

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