Saturday, March 27, 2010

Craps help

Hi, I remember reading a post not too long ago and someone mentioned some good online sites for learning to play craps and I have done a search and can%26#39;t find it now...

Could anyone help with good sites or some tips on playing craps, will be visiting Vegas with my husband in September and really want to play, looks like a whole lot of fun. But I have never gambled in my life - don%26#39;t even now how to play the pokies (slots) so am going to take advantage of being in Vegas and hopefully learn.


Craps help

Books have been written on craps so a 5 min answer is not going to help much..


Find a table thats not to busy so the dealers can help you and tell them your a new player.

The game is not that hard to play just looks it and can be intimidating to new players.

Learn how to play smart and try not to make those bad bets on the table.

Learn the six basic odds and you already learned 80% of the game.

A few sites to get you started.


Craps help

Great, thanks that was just what I was looking for.

Dice Man forgot the most important thing: Get in there and play and have FUN!!

And don%26#39;t say the word ';Se_en'; at the table. Don%26#39;t even think that word! And never even think of ordering a ';Se_en and Se_en'; at the craps table; drink rum and coke instead.

lol thanks Mike. I am really excited about getting in there and having a go. Only 107 days to go!!!

The last time I stayed at Ballys and MC they offered free lessons on how to play Craps. Not sure if that is still offered or not.

My best advice to learn how to play craps is to get in there. Stand next to one of the dealers. Play the minimum on the pass line with small odds behind after a point is hit. Watch learn and ask what%26#39;s happening if you need to. That%26#39;s how I learned!


I always play from the don%26#39;t so I%26#39;ll say ';Mickey Mantle'; or ';KJ'; (Kevin Johnson wore number 7 for the Phoenix Suns) or ';Elway';. I say it quietly but even if someone hears me 99% of the time they have no cluea why I am saying it.

I have been doing a little reading over the last couple of days and it it kind of making sense to me, I understand the pass line but the rest is still a little confusing :(

Dice Man was right. Read up and learn it first. Don%26#39;t jump in without knowing what you are doing. And don%26#39;t rely on the free lessons to learn the game.

Read it first on wizardofodds or the other sites Dice Man referred you to. Because the dealers at the free lessons DO NOT tell you which bets have huge house edges, and which bets have smaller house edges. The dealers teach you how to bet, not which bets are good.

AFTER you have learned which bets are good, THEN take the free lesson to learn how to actually make the bets you want to bet and to get accustomed to the table, the layout, the feel of the dice.

WARNING: Female shooters, do NOT throw the dice even once at a free lesson. Don%26#39;t even touch the dice. A very important craps superstition is that a female virgin shooter will have a good roll on her first time. so don%26#39;t lose your virginity at the lesson. Save it -- not for marriage, but for when you (and the table) can win some money. Once it is lost, it is gone forever!! And let the rest of us know that it is your virgin roll. I bet on female virgins, even though it is just a superstition.

Remember, most of the people playing craps are NOT smart bettors. Following their advice might not be intelligent. The systems they will share might not (almost certainly won%26#39;t) make sense. So study the wizardofodds and learn what you want to do, without input from the people playing. Just because someone is a flashy player, talking all the slang and throwing money around the table does NOT mean that he/she is a smart player. Most of the time, that flashy player is making crappy bets with high house edges. The casino very carefully designs the table to encourage such bets, to maximize the casino%26#39;s profits.

So learn first from the books/wizard, then learn at the lesson, and then play and have fun and (we hope) win!

The ';best'; way to play, mathematically speaking, is to play the minimum amount on the Pass line that will enable you to play the largest amount on the Odds (behind the pass line bet). The Don%26#39;t Pass line technically has slightly better odds, but it%26#39;s more confusing for a new player to figure out in terms of making an odds bet, and you%26#39;re betting against the table, which might make it a lot more intimidating for a new player.

Wait for the puck on the table to say ';OFF';. Put the table minimum ($5, $10, whatever) on the Pass Line. Shooter will roll the dice. If it lands on 7 or 11, you automatically win. Don%26#39;t forget to pick up your winnings. If it lands on 2, 3, or 12, you automatically lose. Time to put more money down. If it lands on one of the six big numbers that%26#39;s printed on the edge of each side of the table (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10), that will be the ';point';. You can now increase your bet if you%26#39;d like (and it%26#39;s beneficial to you to do so) by placing more money BEHIND your Pass line bet. This is called an ';odds bet';, and it pays better than even money on a win. If the shooter rolls that same number again, you%26#39;ll win. If the shooter rolls a 7, you%26#39;ll lose. Play continues until the shooter either rolls that same number (in case you forget what number it was, the puck will say ';ON'; and it%26#39;ll be sitting on that number), or rolls a 7 (and everyone loses their pass line and odds bets).

Another good bet to make in terms of the house edge is ';placing the 6'; or ';placing the 8';. This just means that you%26#39;re betting money on the 6 or the 8. Put the chips down and tell the dealer what you want to do. Both of these bets pay back at 6:5, so for every $5 you bet, you%26#39;ll be winning $6. The bet stays up until the 7 is rolled, or until you take it down yourself (just ask the dealer to take down your bet).

In general the more ';exciting'; and ';fun'; the bet, the worse the house edge will be. For example, many people will play a dollar or so on the center bets (hardways, etc). These bets, while having a higher house edge, pay much more when they do win. For example, you might hear someone play a ';hard six';. This means they%26#39;re betting that a 6 will be rolled the ';hard way';, which is 3+3, rather than the ';easy way';, which would be either 5+1, 1+5, 4+2, or 2+4. If an ';easy six'; is rolled, or a 7 is rolled, the bet loses. If a ';hard six'; is rolled, the bet wins. As you can see, the odds are very much against this happening, but if it does, it pays out at 9:1 (so a $5 bet would pay $45).

  • good eyeshadow
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