Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to Dress in Vegas?

I live in Florida and nearly everything is totally casual. Even fine restaurants and Broadway type shows have at least 70-80% people in very casual clothing like jeans and tee shirts or business casual shirts for men and women. I%26#39;ve seen people in shorts in some upscale restaurants.

What%26#39;s it like in Vegas? We%26#39;re scheduled to see Bette Midler, ';O'; and Wayne Brady, and we%26#39;re eating at some restaurants like Mon Ami Gabi. I would have to go shopping if it%26#39;s anything more than a nice shirt with casual pants.

I%26#39;d appreciate if you could give me a sense of what it%26#39;s like there. Thanks!

How to Dress in Vegas?

You will see it all in Vegas. Some people go to the shows wearing suits and cocktail dresses. Others are in shorts and t-shirts. Given what you describe, overall I think that people probably dress up a little more on the Las Vegas Strip than they do where you live. As another poster recently said, in Vegas you are very safe if you err on the side of overdressing. It%26#39;s actually one of the reasons I love to go to there. I get to wear a really nice dress every night. Here at home, even at the best restaurants you look out of place in a dress (or people ask you whose wedding you just attended!).

How to Dress in Vegas?

The only places that really have dress codes are the clubs. Some of the more expensive restaurants do have ';suggestions'; and you would probably feel out of place unless you dressed up a bit- but only a bit.

At all of the other restaurants (including MAG), casinos and shows- you will see everything from shorts/torn jeans/tees to business casual to formalwear. No matter what you wear there will be others that are more formally dressed than you are and some that are more casually dressed. Some people like to dress up a bit at night but just as many (if not more) don%26#39;t bother.

Some people find the casinos, shows and restaurants rather cool from the A/C (I don%26#39;t). Just be sure to bring the most comfortable pair of shoes you own- those you are going to need.

As long as you have money and are not naked you are good to go in Vegas.

Damn on both counts.

Its really up to you, but generally for shows.. people wear dressy casual. I have also seen jeans and T-shirts as well. For most restaurants you can get away without wearing a jacket. Just dressy casual club attire is appropriate for almost all occasions.

Can anyone help on the dress codes for the clubs in Vegas e.g. Tao etc

Hi CF2010,

I%26#39;ve been into Tao and Pure with shoes, a nice pair of jeans and shirt.

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