Monday, December 12, 2011

Yellowtail at Bellagio - anyone been?

We are deciding between Yellowtail, Koi or Tao for one of our nights? anyone have any input - especially on Yellowtail since I can%26#39;t find any reviews on here and I know it opened last July.

Yellowtail at Bellagio - anyone been?

I%26#39;ll give you a bump but not much info to help you.

We had plans to head down there for appetizers one night and never made it. We stayed at Bellagio and Yellowtail was packed every night when we walked by.

Yellowtail at Bellagio - anyone been?

thanks - was really hoping to hear from someone who had eaten there...the fact that it was hopping seems to be a good sign....think we might just try it.

Try typing %26#39;Yellowtail%26#39; into the search box. There is a regular poster, jackandsally, who really enjoys high end food, and the whole dining experience. Scroll through what comes up, you should find some comments about that restaurant. If you need more info, you could probably PM her about it.

Hahaha...hey you knew I would comment on this one huh? Yes, I really liked Yellowtail. The food was great- sushi and cooked items, the service was fantastic (the sommelier was particularly helpful,) and the view of the fountains really made it special. Of course the sake and the fountians may have altered my state of mind...hahaha...but it was a really wonderful meal. I even enjoyed it more than Okada.

Jack and Sally - I think I remember you helping me out with some questions last year...I appreciate your input...

so here are a few more questions as we have multiple reservations for each night...

Thursday - rm seafood, mix or lavo

Friday - tao, koi or yellowtail

Saturday - n9ne, sw steakhouse or craftsteak


any other favorites you might have????

For your fist night the only one I have been to is Mix and it was very good. The menu at RM Seafood is interesting but whenever I walk by the place I get the feeling the atmosphere is lacking...the atmosphere and view at Mix is wonderful.

Haven%26#39;t tried Koi but I liked both Tao and Yellowtail. Really depends on whether you are set on raw sushi. If so Yellowtail has the edge. If it%26#39;s cooked Asian food you are looking for I%26#39;d give the edge to Tao.

I really like SW. The steaks were good (I%26#39;m not a steak lover though,) the carpaccio was fantastic as were the sides. The lake of dream is always a fun distraction. Our server was good and attentive but not realy friendly.

Thanks - I am leaning towards mix for thursday, yellowtail for friday and still a toss up for Saturday....

Saturday - n9ne, sw steakhouse or craftsteak

Try Prime at the Bellagio or the Country Club at Wynn.

Thanks Diceman - have eaten at Prime twice before...wanted to do something different. One of the girls in the group has her heart set on n9ne as she had a great meal there a couple of years ago. another friend of mine just got back and said SW steakhouse was amazing....

hmmmm...what to do???

any advice on some of the other restaurants I posted?

Although I didn%26#39;t try the steaks there (just went with sides and appetizers) the service and atmsophere at Botero was great if you are looking for a new steakhouse to try. The appetizers we tried (other than the bone morrow, which I learned is just too slimy for me) were really good.

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