Monday, December 12, 2011

Thanksgiving week-how busy,

Hi there,

We are in vegas this year for the first time which also happens to be the week of thanksgiving day(nov24th-28th)we were just wondering how busy vegas will be during these few days,

Many thanks for any help,


Thanksgiving week-how busy,

Hi icf,

During the start of your time in vegas people traffic will be light, but everything will be open. For Thursday and Friday it will be busy. My observations is that all weekends are busy. If there are shows you would like to see do it during the start of your stay as you will have good seats to choose from. Weather will be pleasant but I%26#39;m not sure if it will be warm enough for the pool. Last year it was in the low 70%26#39;s and the sun wasn%26#39;t very strong. The water is heated. Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) restuarants will have some type of Thanks giving dinner. So you may like to experience this if you haven%26#39;t before.

Anything else you would like to know?

Enjoy your stay.

Thanksgiving week-how busy,

While it is difficult to judge from one year to the next, I was there for Thanksgiving week 2007. We arrived the Sunday before and left the Saturday after. It was relatively slow from Sunday until Thanksgiving Day morning, but then it got very busy for the remainder of our visit. It was especially busy on Friday--so much so that it was difficult to move along on the sidewalk, or to find an unoccupied slot machine anywhere. Thanksgiving fell between 11/18 and 11/24 in 2007, and we had really beautiful weather, with sunny warm days, and cool nights.

We%26#39;ve gone to Las Vegas three times during that week. As noted above it%26#39;s generally very uncrowded during the week leading up to Thanksgiving with a noticable influx of people on Wednesday and Thursday since lots of people come for the 4 day weekend. Avoid buffets on Thanksgiving Day unless you enjoy long waits as many locals choose those over cooking at home. Also I would suggest making dinner reservations in advance for the busier nights to be sure you have somewhere to eat. The weather can vary from chilly and high in the low 50%26#39;s to 60 degrees to warmer, in the low 70%26#39;s. You%26#39;ll want to bring layers as the breeze can be chilly even on a nice day, and the casinos still blast their AC.

We have been in Vegas the past 2 Thanksgiving weeks and I thought it was fairly busy the whole time. We went to the Adventuredome in 07 and it was very crowded. Wall to Wall people. We still had fun though.

Had thanksgiving dinner at the House of Blues in 08, it was good but a little pricey.

I think you%26#39;ll enjoy it.

We found it very slow, except for the following Fri and Sat. And then, it seemed to be more shoppers and restaurants, than anything else. Gambling seemed to be pretty empty too. Nothing says ';Happy Thanksgiving'; like some sushi.

Many thanks everyone for your replys,

Some great information there,

Once again, thanks,


The restaurants and buffets will be very crowded so if you have a restaurant in mind, you will need to make a reservation way ahead. The buffet lines are unreal as the locals take advantage of the reasonably priced buffets. One Thanksgiving, I ended up eating fast food because the lines were horrific.

Vegasvarmint is correct about the buffet lines. We couldn%26#39;t duplicate our at home Thanksgiving experience anyway, so we ate at Margaritaville==had drinks and turkey sandwiches. It was actually a lot of fun.

I spent about 7 years in Vegas during my Thanksgiving vacation(Wed- Sun). It was always crowded. Make your dinner reservations early and avoid the buffets- the lines will be long.

The weather will be anything from very chilly to warmish. I never was able to swim. Bring clothes that can be layered - tops with short/long sleeves, a mediumweight sweater and a lined jacket. This way you will be prepared for any kind of weather. Check a weather site just before leaving but the forecast can change while you are there.

Hi vegasvarment,

We are staying at the excalibur,could you reccomend a good steakhouse for thanksgiving night?

Not that bothered about price range,



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