Monday, December 12, 2011

oh Jeez, the Movies?!?!

i can%26#39;t believe i%26#39;m actually having to do this, but as i%26#39;m gonna be in Vegas in mid July, I need to know what the best movie theater is on the strip, is the one next to the M%26amp;M store any good? The only reason I ask, is because me and DW are complete Harry Potter geeks and the new movie will be coming out on the 15th, one of the days that we are there, so we were hoping (heck who are we kidding, we%26#39;ll be completely sh%26amp;t faced) to see the midnight showing if a movie theater on the strip does something like that. Any thoughts? thanks!

oh Jeez, the Movies?!?!

The only time I%26#39;ve watched a movie in Vegas was in 06 when I was there a full week, and watched at South Point, so I%26#39;m no help.

But I%26#39;m guessing your condition for watching would be no different than watching ';Animal House'; high at the midnight showings years ago, Lmaooooo

oh Jeez, the Movies?!?!

Went to see the new Star Trek film last week at the showcase cinema. It%26#39;s opposite the Monte Carlo just off the strip down a side road, very good cinema, and the film was good too!

I%26#39;m a fan of the Palms and watching films in IMAX when offered. It%26#39;s not on the strip but a nice place near the strip and easy to get to.

I sometimes catch a movie in LV. We don%26#39;t have the time to go to the movies at home unless they come from NetFlix.

Shrinkgirl, i imagine that they will have the new Harry on IMAX, as the two previous ones were shown on IMAX as well, could you give a bit more detail regarding the movie theater at the Palms? how is the seating, etc? thanks!

Whatever you would like to know. It%26#39;s in the Palms casino where I like to play Video Poker.

You walk through the small food court to the theater. It is listed on their website so you might have a look for yourself. We find the temp to always be plesant, multiple show times to chose from, often a popular film has more than one theaters in the place showing the film at staggered times, you can purchase your tickets using Fandango, The seats are comfy and recline a bit and of course they have the stand cup holders.

The big plus is that it%26#39;s aways clean and fresh. No sticky stuff on the bottom of your shoes. :-%26gt;

We saw the new Star Trek movie in IMAX this weekend and they advertised Harry Potter and the new Transformers movies both to be available in IMAX. I%26#39;d second seeing it in IMAX at the Palms (if that%26#39;s where they have an IMAX theater).


Aww man the movies? Couldn%26#39;t you do that any other weekend :) But I do want to see that Star Trek movie.. I will save it for when I get back.

I%26#39;ve gone to the Showcase a couple times in Vegas.

Find it can be a nice break from walking and sunshine that doesn%26#39;t involve gambling or drinking. As much as I love sunshine, gambling and drinking sometimes that%26#39;s good and it%26#39;s a nice theater. Rather do that than watch tv in the room.

yeah, usually i would like to spend my time in vegas doing all the illecit (sp?) things i can%26#39;t do at home, however DW is a huge fan of Harry Potter and if we don%26#39;t go see it opening night, i might not be able to have any happy fun times... if you catch my drift :)

Shrinkgirl, thanks for the info, i%26#39;ve never been to the Palms, but might make a night of it, since i%26#39;ve been wanting to see it firsthand.

I agree with Shrinkgirl- the Palms is a nice movie theater. You can take the shuttle bus from Bill%26#39;s to the Gold Coast and just cross the street (although the shuttle does end at midnight).

My favorite theater is the Regal Vilage Square- but you need a car to get there. It sometimes shows foreign films or indies.

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