Monday, December 12, 2011

Le Reve compared to Mystere

Staying at the Wynn in July, and considering seeing Le Reve. We saw Mystere a few years ago and really enjoyed it- how does Le Reve compare?

Le Reve compared to Mystere

I only thought Mystere was okay...I liked Le Reve much better, it isn%26#39;t as good as Love but I liked it just as much as O.

Le Reve compared to Mystere

We didn%26#39;t care for Mystere that much. We liked Le Reve alot. Mystere had too many clowns and we didn%26#39;t think they were that funny. Then the baby act was ridiculous. We thought they took away from the show.

Le Reve%26#39;s theater is great because no matter where you sit, you can see perfectly. It%26#39;s a sophisticated water show with beautiful choreography.

They are 2 totally different shows. Some people like Mystere and some people don%26#39;t like LeReve. I guess it%26#39;s all a matter of taste.

Le Reve is good. You will enyou it. It%26#39;s a water ballet so it doesn%26#39;t compare to closely to Mystere where there is no water. Of course there is more dancing in Le Reve. I really enjoyed them both.

I disagree with Le Reve as a ballet. The shows are entirely different but with the same high quality artistry. Le Reve is really unique and worth seeing. We saw it before the show was redone and after. I like the added visuals.

Le Reve beautiful costumes, wonderful haunting music, great theater in the round, stunning water and acrobatic stunts. The storyline is more about elements of both good and evil. Water stage. Although it%26#39;s not a true CDS show it is more like ';O'; than Mystere.

Mystere quirky,whimsical, unsual, silly, fun costumes, great music, great strength and acrobatics, great views due to great theater design,light hearted.

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