Monday, December 12, 2011

Cirque - The Truth!

My DH and I are making our first trip to Vegas soon and I am debating getting tickets for a Cirque show.

I am a big fan of shows and musicals etc. but my husband is a bit more skeptical, and is really having trouble getting on board with the concept of Cirque.

I am loathed to spend a lot of money on tickets if he really is going to hate it, so I%26#39;m looking for testimonials from other skeptics for opinions as to whether it is worth trying to win him over.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Cirque - The Truth!

They are good shows, well produced with world class performers. I was sceptical before I saw my first one and I enjoyed it a lot. They are just fun. I%26#39;d recommend to anyone that they try it at least once.

That being said, if the money is a concern, you need to pick your shots and you don%26#39;t want to risk wasting a night, see Jersey Boys. Every guy I know who has seen it whether they hate musicals or love em liked that show. It%26#39;s Goodfellas meets That Thing You Do and it%26#39;s terrific.

Cirque - The Truth!

Get tickets to LOVE. You%26#39;ll have the best of both worlds--great music, great show, with Cirque%26#39;s flair.

There are those who complain that LOVE doesn%26#39;t have as much of the acrobatics as other Cirque shows, and that is probably true. However, I%26#39;ve seen ';O'; and while it was very good, there were bits where I felt a bit bored, like I was missing something. With LOVE, you won%26#39;t be bored. It%26#39;s a feast for the senses and has a great sound system to boot. You don%26#39;t even have to be a huge Beatle fan to love it. We took my adult daughters to see it in 2007, and the one who isn%26#39;t a Beatle fan loved it so much much she wanted to see it again. In fact, when we told her we%26#39;d be seeing it a second time when we go in July, she was jealous because this trip is just my husband and me.

Just get tickets that are heavily discounted in order to diminish any financial outlay in the case that your husband hates the show.

Nobody can tell you that your husband will be converted.

I agree, choose Love. You can%26#39;t be bored, because there is so much to see you can%26#39;t possible see it all. Then, while you are trying to look all over the place and see all of the action, you%26#39;ve got great music playing and panels dropping down from time to time with Silhouette%26#39;s of the Beatles ';jamming';. It is a great show.

Who says you both have to go?

Go by yourself. Whatever the cost of 1 ticket is, give it to him in chips.

Cirque is having a great summer promo:…

Decide on the show you think you might want to see and check if tickets are available.

There are also other good sales going on right now.

If you%26#39;re not necessarily a Beatles fan, Mystere might be a better choice. It is the most affordable of all the Cirque shows, so if he doesn%26#39;t love it you aren%26#39;t out as much. Any way you slice it, Cirque is entertaining. You know him better than anyone- if he has an open mind, then you%26#39;ll have a ball.

There are videos on youtube you can watch and decide if it%26#39;s something you%26#39;ll like.

I saw LOVE and loved it but have no desire to spend $$ on another CDS show. I like acting/singing and a plot.

The promo for LOve on the Cirque site is only 25% I think. However, on they have a promo for 40% off.

I%26#39;d also like to add that almost 2 yrs back, I had to drag my boyfriend to KA as he was convinced it was a ballet and would be a waste of $$. But afterwards, he could not stop telling people about how great it was. I don%26#39;t know your DH, but I am fairly confident he will not only like a Cirque show but will want to see another and another.

Remember the TR when you return and let me know what you decided and most importantly, if I was right- LOL!

I suggest Love or Mystere for a first Cirque show. O was fine but I hated Ka. So- there is no real way of knowing what someone is going to like or not like. Not every show- Cirque or otherwise- is going to please everyone. If he is really reluctant to see a Cirque show- I wouldn%26#39;t drag him to one. Just go by yourself-surely he can find something else to do in the casino for 90 minutes!

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