Monday, December 12, 2011

Thoughts on this way to bet at craps?

Firstly, I%26#39;d like to point out that I haven%26#39;t played for real in Vegas before! Thanks to the people on here, I%26#39;ve been trying to pick it up online as practice for going in June.

The safest way (if there is such a thing) seems to be to bet passline and odds, however I%26#39;ve been trying all manner of bet types and like the following.

Assuming $5 minimum, place $5 on pass, if a point is established then put $5 on the odds, and then $5 on all the other numbers (buy bets). It works out at $35 a hand and the gamble is that a 7 doesn%26#39;t come up for a few rolls or so. If a 7 doesn%26#39;t come for a few rolls, then each time it hits one of the buy bets, then I take the winnings and original bet, until either the point is established or I 7 out. This way it seems to take advantage of any streaks where a 7 isn%26#39;t rolled. I then need to quit whilst I%26#39;m ahead...famous last words.

I%26#39;m now putting myself out there to be ridiculed from the experts, but I would love someone%26#39;s opinion who has actually played the real thing!



Thoughts on this way to bet at craps?

while it sounds good, you are submitting yourself to putting out very bad bets (buying the 4 and 10) and only putting the very minimum on the best bets (the odds bets of only $5).

Using your theory, one could also assume that you put your bets down and immediately seven out, thus losing your initial $35 without any redemption whatsoever.

While it sounds like fun to put so many bets down and the ';action'; it%26#39;s not the best way to attempt to win money. I%26#39;m an avid craps player, I usually like to play both dark side and pass side, but generally stick to odds bets and buying the 6-8. That way I reduce the percentages the house has over me and still have a good time.

However, don%26#39;t let me or any others like HTR deter in what you want to bet, just make sure you are comfortable with amounts you are betting (since craps can fluctuate a lot in the amount of $ you are wagering at any one moment) and that you are having fun!

Thoughts on this way to bet at craps?

Why would you ever buy the 6 and 8 rather than place them?

I just learned how to play craps in Feb. (but I am still learning)

What about the field bet?

stratton, sorry i meant to say place them, i don%26#39;t ever buy the 4 or 10

wmac3 - The field bet is not a great bet statistically, but not as bad as the bets in the center of the layout. It seems like it should be a great bet because you can win with so many numbers, but of course the three most common rolls (6,7,8) are not there, nor the 5 which is next in frequency.

That having been said, it is a simple one-roll bet whose payoff is easy to understand and doesn%26#39;t require the dealer%26#39;s assistance. I will usually make a few field bets, especially if I have a shooter at my table who seems to have a problem hitting 6s and 8s, or who seems to crap out a lot (or if *I%26#39;m* the shooter having that problem!)

You can learn more about all types of craps bets and their odds at or

The safest way to play and the most conservitive in holding on to your session bankroll while you wait the lucky run of the numbers.

5 place bet, come out roll, make odds bet.

5 come bet, make odds bet

5 come bet again, make odds bet.

Then you can start placing bets if your still alive.

Bet nothing else on the board, And Learn to play with the house when the table turns.

Play no field bets.

The payoff on the Pass Line is even money, which gives the house a 1.41% advantage. Once the shooter%26#39;s point is established, you are permitted to add a secondary odds bet behind the line This is the odds bet and is one of the best bets you can make at the table.

Once your ahead dont be afraid to place the 4 and ten. These are high payoff numbers.

A little tip to remember but you might already know

4 and 10 are pairs

5 and 9 are pairs

6 and 8 are pairs

To find out how many ways the 4 and 10 can be rolled

just subtract 1 from 4.

Same with the 5 and 9, and 6 and 8.

Now go throw some number especially the ten on the end.

Almost all systems at craps sound good, but nothing can beat the house advantage. Pass line bets with odds, come bets with odds, and placing the 6 and or 8 are the best bets. Hope for a long roll without a 7. If someone does hold the dice and rolls twenty or more rolls with out a seven showing up you can win a lot of money in a short period of time. But in the long run (thousands of rolls) that seven will show up every six rolls of the dice. And when things start to go bad at a dice table it will seem like you cannot win a bet to save your life. There are countless books and articles about craps with lots of advice. And you already know the best advice...Quit when your ahead.

Others have said it already, but I%26#39;ll reiterate here: pass line %26amp; max odds after point is established. Might not sound like fun, but it gives the house only a VERY slight advantage. I like playing Casino Royale, which allows you ridiculous odds limits (something like 100x pass line bet).

Here is how it will work at the table.

$5- pass line bet

Roll #1

The odds bet will be dependant on the point rolled. For ease of figuring lets say you put down $10 on odds.

$53 on all the numbers across.

Roll #2

7 out.

That equalled about 8 minutes of fun and no cocktails for about $50. Unless you have some deep posckets you wont really have much fun at the table at this rate.

Try this-

$5 pass line bet and nothing else. Get cocktail waitresses attention and order. Dont place any other bets until you hit your original point number. It might be boring but you have some money in play albiet not much. This is a good time to get acclimated to the table and see how it hreally works, where they place the chips, the terminology, ettiquite, etc.

Dont start putting place bets or odd or anything until you get a winner on the pass line. This way you will easily weed out the losers and save some money. You will also have a couple of cocktails in the meantime.

So for the same $50 you will have gone through 10 lousy rollers and the table should be heating up hopefully by this time if not sooner.

Once you hit a point number then start putting:

$5 pass bet with odds.

6 and 8. Thats all you need to do, just 3 bets working all the time. It minimizes risks, has a decent payoff and keeps the cocktails flowing.

The real money will be made on your odds bets so if anything needs more attention, make it that.

Thanks for all the help again. For the first time, I definitely don%26#39;t have the cojones for putting bigger bets down, and I%26#39;ll do the pass line with odds til I get used to it, all the while having cocktails! My way seemed to be a good way to either lose money or win money depending on the streak, as with all the bases covered effectively, it seems that the most I could lose was $35 a hand, but more often than not, a few of the numbers would come up before a 7, meaning that I would break even or only lose a little before the streak came.

This said, I am a beginner so I will bow to all your expertise and

increase the odds bet and maybe put 6 and 8 down also. I%26#39;m going in June (4th time to vegas) and will do my first trip report to let you know how well, or badly...I did.

Thanks again,


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